It’s the new year, you are full of hope for the next twelve months and with the very best of intentions you make those all important New year’s resolutions. You pick things you think you should change, things that will make you happier, healthier and just a better person all round. How is it then that by the end of the first week of January those sparkling resolutions are already beginning to look a little jaded?
Often its because of the way we have approached designing the resolutions in the first place. If we figure our new year’s resolutions out well in the first place it gives us a far greater chance of success!
Here are three tips to help you design New year resolutions you can stick to:
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For many the idea of walking into a room and chit-chatting with people they barely know can be cringe-inducing, even for the most confident speakers. Here’s your guide to comfortably getting through the Christmas party small talk in one piece!
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We all know Christmas is on the way. There’ll be no time to think, your diary will be taken over by the drinks party reindeers and Christmas lunching elves. That’s why the end of November is here! 5 things you can do now, to help you get ahead of the game and raring to go in the New year!
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With so many books, tips and tricks out there about public speaking, why are so many speakers still missing the mark? Below are five critical elements that are often overlooked that will help elevate your upcoming speech or presentation to the next level.
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In recognition of World Mental Health day, here are five ways to help us all maintain positive mental health
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In terms of opportunities, many approach them by keeping their head down and their fingers crossed. That’s all fine, but there are times when seeing a career coach can make things run a whole lot smoother, helping you come across with clarity, confidence and authenticity.
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It is interesting, we are told all the time that we need more of it, but until we understand what it is, its going to be pretty hard to get our hands on.
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There are many reasons people give for not getting what they want. Money, time and energy are all big culprits. Sometimes though its non of the above. Oftentimes it is actually an idea that we have stuck in our mind that is stopping us...
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Anxiety is extremely common in the UK, with official figures from the Office of National Statistics claiming that nearly 1 in 5 of are affected by it. Certain life changes can make us more susceptible, but anxiety disorders are non-discriminatory and they can affect all of us, young and old, rich and poor…
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So you have a fear of public speaking, can you overcome it? In my experience, yes, you can.
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