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Read Rachel Coffey’s informative blog with tips and insight on making positive change to get the life you want. Career, life, anxiety stress, public speaking and much more.

How to design new year’s resolutions that work

rachel Coffey

It’s the new year, you are full of hope for the next twelve months and with the very best of intentions you make those all important New year’s resolutions. You pick things you think you should change, things that will make you happier, healthier and just a better person all round. How is it then that by the end of the first week of January those sparkling resolutions are already beginning to look a little jaded?
Often its because of the way we have approached designing the resolutions in the first place. If we figure our new year’s resolutions out well in the first place it gives us a far greater chance of success!
Here are three tips to help you design New year resolutions you can stick to:

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Create the life you want!

rachel Coffey

There are many reasons people give for not getting what they want. Money, time and energy are all big culprits. Sometimes though its non of the above. Oftentimes it is actually an idea that we have stuck in our mind that is stopping us...

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Anxiety - what it is and how to deal with it!

rachel Coffey

Anxiety is extremely common in the UK, with official figures from the Office of National Statistics claiming that nearly 1 in 5 of are affected by it. Certain life changes can make us more susceptible, but anxiety disorders are non-discriminatory and they can affect all of us, young and old, rich and poor…

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