Maintaining a healthy mindset — Rachel Coffey Coaching Individual voice coaching and public speaking. Accent, Clarity Confidence.

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Maintaining a healthy mindset

Courses to support your business during ever changing times

Maintaining a Healthy Minset

Taking time and care to become our best selves

positive midset

Format: Format: Online interactive or face to face

Lunch time learning to full day courses available

Learning outcomes

Identify the different challenges we are facing

Discover how the way we think directly impacts the way that we feel

Learn how to maintain a sense of balance and calm

Identify your own strategy for staying mentally fit

Level: All levels

Participants: 5 - 25

Adaptive thinking for our dynamic worldof work

We learn how we are in charge of what we allow ourselves to be influenced by and how the way we think can positively impact how we feel both in our work and personal lives. Many people can quickly feel overwhelmed or anxious in sight of change and even opportunity. This course help us to frame things in a positive way and see how that impacts our everyday thoughts and interactions.

A sense of mental wellbeing is every bit as important as our physical health - and indeed often impacts upon it. We need to learn to deal with pressures and deadlines, communicate with different communication styles and look toward building a brighter future. We can help ourselves and those around us by learning how to shift our focus, change our perception and use our in-built ability to adapt.

Duration: 45 min/2hr/half day/full day

I’d started finding it a bit of a struggle to stay positive. Now I feel I’ve shifted my mindset and there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
— Jake, Creative Director