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When is the best time to call in a career coach?


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When is the best time to call in a career coach?

rachel Coffey

It can be a difficult call. Most people work through their career challenges by talking things through with colleagues, having a chat with friends. In terms of opportunities, many approach them by keeping their head down and their fingers crossed. That’s all fine, but there are times when seeing a career coach can make things run a whole lot smoother. The main reasons are they are professional, impartial and full of techniques that will help you come across with clarity, confidence and authenticity. They offer a space where you can work through your barriers, ditch old ideas of yourself and get a strategy together to get where you want to be. If only a few hours with your friends after work could manage to do all that!

Here are 8 situations in your working life when it might be time to call in a career coach:

You are thinking about leaving your current job

Career coaching will help you evaluate your reasons for moving and examine the risks vs the benefits. You will be able to consider your options in a balanced manner, leading to a clear and positive decision.

If you have been trying to move on for a while, but have become stuck, your coach will use tools to free you up, deal with any guilt or worries and allow you to move forward.

If you have been unhappy at work recently, whether you are staying or going, your coach can get you to a place where you feel less stressed and far more motivated. Whatever your decision, you’ll know it is the best one and for the right reasons.

You are up for an internal role or promotion

In this situation you are going to need focus and support. There can be all kinds of politics involved in internal moves and sometimes it can be hard to see things from an outside perspective. Coaching can give you the space to see opportunities for what they are. It can help you build a strategy and design a way forward that will put you in the best possible position to get what you want. It can also help you establish a contingency plan in the event that things turn out otherwise.

With an impartial ear you will build a clear picture of your path ahead, with support along the way.

Dealing with a difficult person or difficult situation at work

Whether you are trying to pick yourself up in the aftermath of an internal procedure or struggling to see eye to eye with your boss, it can be difficult having to face it each day on your own. Often people try to just get on with it, but underneath it can cause a great deal of stress and upset. Coaching will help you work through this. You will find you begin to see yourself and the issues in a more constructive way. Discover new ways to communicate and get where you need to get, without as much conflict or worry. Having the support and expertise to draw upon usually allows people to feel so much better and make the best decisions at a time that might have otherwise been a struggle.

You are at risk of being made redundant

It doesn’t matter how self confident you usually are the threat, or actuality, of being made redundant is a hard pill to swallow. So many questions, feelings of mistrust, simply trying to come to terms with the situation. Then there’s the question of “what now?”.

The chances are your redundancy had little to do with you as a person, although you are the person left having to deal with it. Rather than let it beat you, rise from the ashes and move on to somewhere you’d rather be. Coaching can help you build up your confidence, address your concerns and any left over feelings of resentment and go forward with a clearer vision, being the best version of you.

You have an interview coming up

When was the last time you enjoyed an interview? Can’t remember? Maybe never? Then you need a career coach! The difference it can make to the way you put yourself forward, your resilience throughout the process and the ease with which you will be able to speak can be astonishing. By the time you are done, answers to those nightmare interview questions will roll off your tongue. A career coach can’t make you get the job but they can ensure that you feel you are putting the best of yourself forward, listening well, responding intelligently and allowing your prospective employer to see exactly why you’ll be great for the job.

You are feeling stressed at work - its affecting home, sleep, everything

Just not feeling yourself? A good career coach knows that work is just a part - all be it an important part - of who you are as a whole. They can help you restore balance, after all if you can’t reap the rewards of your labour, what’s the point? A good coach will help you find your equilibrium. Assist you in getting to the bottom of your stress causing concerns and breathe new life into a tired mind.

You want to embark on a whole new career or start your own business

But is it possible? At your age? In your position? There are no rules. Well, no rules that can’t be broken in any case. See your ambition with a new set of eyes. Evaluate whether your plans are current and relevant and will give you what you need. Find out what you really want and pull a strategy together to help you get there. You don’t need to do this alone, help is out there. As yet, you may not know precisely where you’ll end up, but it will be somewhere you want to be! Career coaches can also help with your business planning, time management and in supporting you as you venture out on your own.

In a good place and want things to get even better?

Ongoing support throughout your career can be the key to really thriving in your working life. You might want it monthly or just ad-hoc when you need that extra bit of clarity. Either way, having a coach who knows how you tick and can help you pull together that all important pitch, hit the right notes in a high level communication or help you feel strong when you need to push forward, is worth their weight in gold. I’ve seen so many clients flourish throughout my time as a coach and its really great to see them getting what they want.

Although it can feel like a big decision, in reality there’s vey little risk involved in deciding to see a good career coach. I three sessions you will be able to make a good start on where you want to be. In six sessions you’ll feel supported all the way. It really is one of those choices that can pay off in no time, resulting in many a client wondering why they didn’t do it earlier. The fact is though you need to be ready to commit and make the changes, if that’s where you are then maybe now is the time to call in a career coach!

Rachel offers a wide range of career coaching options from High Level Moves to Starting Out, stress management, communications and ongoing professional support. Clients can apply personally or be funded by their business. Payment packages are available. All sessions available to book online.