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Read Rachel Coffey’s informative blog with tips and insight on making positive change to get the life you want. Career, life, anxiety stress, public speaking and much more.

Staying career positive in 2021

rachel Coffey

There’s no doubt, this has been a tough year. Now at least there is light at the end of the tunnel - over time it does give us hope that the world of work can begin turning once again.

In order to be in a position where we can present ourselves in the best light, feeling mentally and emotionally strong we need to begin now.

Below are some thoughts on how to get in the best head space as we move through some challenging months toward a better future:

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What makes lockdown 2.0 feel so uncomfortable?

rachel Coffey

If someone had of asked you last year if you’d be willing to temporally stop going out for dinner, pause the gym and put off buying your winter boots for a month in order to potentially save thousands of lives, surely it would have been a no-brainer. Other than the obvious strangeness of the question, it would seem like a small sacrifice for a very noble aim. And yet, here we are. Trying to spot the sunshine in the break in the clouds. Cringing at the mere suggestion of another social Zoom chat. Wondering if its even worth the bother of resurrecting April’s failed attempt at learning Japanese for just four weeks. So what is it that’s making this lockdown feel so, well, contrived?

There are a few key elements that we need to navigate in order to emotionally invest in an idea;

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Is it time to come out of mental lockdown?

rachel Coffey

Right now our minds have a travel ban on future thinking. Its almost like we can’t allow ourselves to dream, just in case it doesn’t happen. Is this really the right approach?
Most inventions would not have happened if there hadn’t been a problem to solve. Problems in themselves then, cannot be a barrier to positive change. In fact they are the instigator for it.

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Great tips for virtual meetings

rachel Coffey

Many of us have grown extremely familiar with Zoom over the past few weeks with the vast majority working from home. Although most of us are getting by, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your remote communications and come across as the professional you are;

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