What to expect from online career coaching
rachel Coffey
Clarity - Where you are, where you want to be, why you feel the way you do and what to do about it
Direction - Where you are going, how you know your on the right track, learning to navigate the challenges, finding new routes to where you want to be
Strategy - A plan of what you need to do to get where you want to be
Confidence - Ditching the imposter syndrome, dealing with the doubts, knowing your strengths, sounding like you mean it - because you will!
Capability - Introduce the best version of you, see what you present, the language to say what you mean, communicating your abilities with humility and grace, being yourself even in the trickiest conversations
Ultimately making the right choices, confident in yourself, unafraid of change, inspired by what’s ahead, happy in your career, happy in life!