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Lensbury Avenue
London, England, SW6
United Kingdom

07867 360 183

F*ck the fear

Signature sessions

F*ck the fear

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F*ck the fear


Everybody’s afraid of something - speaking in public, a big work opportunity or maybe something that effects your everyday life, like flying! Time to pop that fear into thin air. In this session single session you’ll face your fear, understand what it was doing there in the first place and finally get a chance to show it the door!

F*ck the fear sessions are 80 minutes long and take place over Zoom.

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What happens next?

Once you have purchased your signature session we will contact you within 24hrs and give you all of the information you need to book your session.

If you have any questions in the mean time or want to get in touch with us first, just email and we’ll happily come back to you!