Rachel Coffey Coaching

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Regaining a sense of self in lockdown

Whether it is the uncertainty, fragility or monotony that has been weighing you down, somehow it can be easy to get a little #lostinlockdown. Below are 7 areas - for each one write down 3 things that allows you to feel that way and do one of them each day. By the end of the week you’ll be feeling lighter, brighter, and more like you again!

Human- it’s easy to let things slip, so whether is washing your hair, having a good shave or an ironed shirt, ditch the Neanderthal sweat pants and get human again!

Healthy - Fresh fruit, going for a run, a night off the booze, whatever it takes to get those good endorphins flowing.

Connected - out of the loop? Make some time to connect with others, be that friends, colleagues or the world around you. If switching on the news is too much, upbeat live radio can be a good alternative.

Balanced - meditation, yoga or a simple walk, refreshing your senses and clearing the mind can bring balance and equilibrium.

Attractive - this is about feeling good, feeling like the person you like being. Smiling, taking care of yourself, allowing yourself to be that charismatic version of you that lockdown might have forgotten!

Mindfully engaged - it can be easy to want to switch or heads off when times are tough, but getting those neutrons firing is stimulating and refreshing. Reading, learning, discovering in whatever way suits you!

Creative - you may not be Picasso, singing, cooking, writing, playing. Creating something new is inspiring and freeing.

Cover one of the areas above each day and you’ll feel like you again in no time!

If you’d like some help to get back to feeling yourself,life coaching can be the perfect soloution, to get you strted and keep you on track until the days are brighter! Click here for online life coaching!